Secure Application Certification
In order to maintain a competitive advantage, organizations have been pushed to continuously develop and deploy new and innovative products to the mainstream market. This is intended to not only maintain its customer base but also to grow into new markets and niches. The push to develop new and innovative products comes with the added risk of products not meeting minimum best practice security requirements leading to fraud and/or reputational risks.
It is in line with this that we developed a Secure Application Certification Program for our clients to ensure that existing and new applications meet our stringent minimum information security requirements. The certification process involves the review of an internally developed or off the shelf application against our proven standard from a governance, controls and development point of view. Our review will ensure that the application meets the basic tenants of information security i.e Confidentiality, Availability and Integrity. Loosely based on the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) standard, the review will involve the following:
- An assessment of the application Strategy, Policies, Procedures Application, Middleware, Intergration, Database setup, Infrastructure, Vendor management, Legal and regualtory requirements etc to satisfaction of the InfoSents Secure Application Benchmark
- Provision of a Secure Application Certificate to be displayed by the organisation
Secure Application Certification will help the organisation to:
- Increase Usage of the Applications & Portals
- Stand out from the competitors
- Build customer trust
- Be compliant to world class Standards (FFIEC)
- Manage fraud